[IWKY] Life Journal - A Freedom to be Remembered

Sunday, March 27, 2005

First day -2

I've been quite long enough searching and studying many available blogs on the net... and my first impression was "Gee, what the #$%@* have I been doing so far?".... They have already started doing this since years ago... meanwhile me....uhm... just yesterday!!!... what a pathetic of me :(

Anyway, I have to admit and salute all of the professional bloggers out there for the great job they've done.... They really did a magnificent job!!! Makes me realise there's sooo much things to learn for me....

Hmm... I wonder if there are my friends who actually have a blog site.... I never asked them, tho... :) I wonder how far this blog can go on... I mean what will be the limit that it has at the end... maybe that's just a stupid question, but for me, that's a very valid question to ask at this moment.

To anybody who 'accidently' came to my site, please do not hesitate to leave your notes/ critics, or anything... since I will be always opening my door for you :)

Still got one more day to go for a holiday... and after that....BACK TO REALITY!
[IWKY], 3/27/2005 07:22:00 pm


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